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Handheld Thermal Imagers
Professional Thermal Imaging Camera; MSX/42 Degree Lens, 640480 Resolution w/FLIR Tools+T865-42CPEW-39757-68-EA
Professional Thermal Imaging Camera; MSX/24 and 42 Degree Lens, 464 x 348, -20 to 1500CFLIR T540-24-42CPEW-39757-39-EA
Professional Thermal Imaging Camera; MSX/42 Degree Lens, 464 x 348, -20 to 1500CFLIR T540-42CPEW-39757-37-EA
Professional Standard Industrial Thermal Imaging Camera; MSX/24 Degree Lens, 464 x 348, -20 to 1500CFLIR T540-24CPEW-39757-36-EA
Professional Thermal Imaging Camera; MSX/42 Degree Lens, 320 x 240, -20 to 650CFLIR T530-42CPEW-39757-31-EA
Standard Professional Thermal Imaging Camera; MSX/24 Degree Lens, 320 x 240, -20 to 650CFLIR T530-24CPEW-39757-30-EA
Thermal Imaging Phone Accessory for Android with USB-C Connector; 160 x 120 resolutionFLIR One Pro USB-CCPEW-39756-78-EA
Thermal Imaging Phone Accessory for iOS with Lightning Connector; 160 x 120 resolutionFLIR One Pro for iOSCPEW-39756-77-EA